Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Last Class

Today I attended my last law school class. On the one hand, I'm tired, and I'm glad classes are over. Law School is a marathon for sure. On the other hand, it seems like just the other day we were walking into our first law school class - Con Law - and trying to decipher Marbury v. Madison. (Kudos to the classmate who was on call that first day.) Three years has gone by so fast. And yet there is still more to do before I can really be a lawyer - finals of course, and the bar. And the stress is still there: no job yet, must pass the bar, etc. But I think law school has improved me: I can think on my feet better, and I've lost a lot of my fear of public speaking. I think my writing and analysis have improved. And I've met some amazing people - students and professors. Law school has been a roller coaster, but overall, the highs outweigh the lows.


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