Friday, August 03, 2007


Well, I did all of the new employee paperwork yesterday, and came home with a giant pile of brochures and a big binder labeled "Employee Manual." The HR people seem really nice. I start work Monday, but have my "New Employee Orientation" on Friday all day, which counts for our continuing education/ethics/sexual harrassment training, so that should be fun. Plus I have to be First Aid and CPR certified; the classes for that are later in the month. Three years of jeans and t-shirts has really affected my wardrobe. I called the secretary there to find out the unofficial dress code, so I think I'll be presentable. She said no suits, but I'm bringing a jacket for the first day just in case.

I know a lot of you are still looking for a job: good luck, and don't let them get you down. The job market is pretty rough, I know.


Blogger Zuska said...

It seems strange to me that I still have WEEKS before I start work. Now that I'm home from Europe and broke, I wish I were you!

10 August, 2007 07:10  

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